4th & 5th Grade

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd – Level III:
Fourth and Fifth Grades

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
’18 -’19 Online Registration

A major theme throughout the three levels of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is our covenant relationship with God.  God loves us first.  We respond.

The level III atrium emphasizes morality, responsibility, and history through study and comparison of the Old and New Testaments.

Fourth and fifth grade children explore the history of God’s redeeming presence throughout time (Salvation history), through careful reading and study of the Old Testament stories of creation, the fall, Abraham, Moses, Exodus, and the prophets.

A work called The Plan of God introduces the children to the idea of collaborating with God and explores the concept that everyone has a role in God’s kingdom.  The Old Testament stories provide many examples of people who have helped further God’s kingdom.

Echoing throughout the presentations is the proclamation that “from the beginning of time a plan has existed in the mind of God to bring all people and all of creation to God’s self.”  Now, in late childhood, the upper elementary child ponders his response to God, and begins to ask the questions, “What is my place in the kingdom of God?” and “Do my actions further or hinder the spread of God’s kingdom?”

Parents who would like to receive the Level III presentations may contact Mary Nell Prichard.

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